Lamarsh Village Hall is a lovely old Victorian School building that we are bringing back to life. Our ambitious programme will enable us to provide improvements to the building and varied and enjoyable events for the community. We are dog friendly!​
Please contact us via the 'contact us' page if you wish to hire the hall or its contents.
A Charity registered in England and Wales - Registered Charity no. 301351
At Lamarsh Village Hall, we are constantly brewing up something new and exciting. Whether its exercise classes, coffee mornings or special events, there is always something new to discover at Lamarsh Village Hall.

A chance to catch up with friends and neighbours
- Coffee morning - 1st Thursday in every month from 10.30 - midday.​​ (except May)
- Plant Sale - Monday 5th May 9.30 am - 1pm
-VE Day 80th anniversary coffee morning Thursday 8th May ​10.30 - midday
- Flower Festival (at Lamarsh Church) Sat/Sun 10th and 11th May 10am - 4pm
We offer pilates and yoga classes suitable for all abilities. Pre-booking is essential for all classes
PILATES- each Monday via Zoom from midday to 1pm. Contact Michelle at mich072005@hotmail.co.uk​​​
FIND THE FLOW YOGA with Daphne each Wednesday 10 - 11.15am
PILATES WITH SOPHIE - each Saturday 7.45 - 8.45 am contact Sophie at sopieparishpilates@gmail.com
supplied and sponsored by Gigaclear